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Welcome back to the Pet Portraits By Cy Blog. I want to share with you my most recent Acrylic Pet Portrait, “Lola”. Donna and Mike from Longmont Colorado own this beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback. Lola is 3 years old and was acquired by Donna at the age of 10 months. Lola is a very sweet dog and was very cooperative during our photo session, with the help of a few treats of course. I photographed Lola on a beautiful day in Niwot Colorado. She seemed very well trained and was very easy to work with.
The sun was bright on this day and the sky appeared as it does in the painting, with the front range mountains of Colorado in the background. Donna really liked this pose cause it shows Lola’s “smile” which apparently she does quite often, and she did seem like a very happy dog. Also I wanted to show off her beautifully colored coat and the sun struck her just right. Lola, according to Donna, is “really laid back for a Lion hunter” (this breeds nickname) and I witnessed this firsthand.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is peculiar to the South African region. The breed was created by the interbreeding of dogs which were brought to Africa by the Dutch and English settlers. Its ancestory includes, Mastiff, Great Dane, Greyhound, Terrier, and Bloodhound. The dog has an unusual and highly distinctive ridge on her back because the hair along her spine grows forward instead of backward. Her strong suit is hunting, she was used to flush game including Birds, Boar and even Lions from the brush. She is very alert in the field and loves to roam open areas. She was also trained as a guard dog.
At home the Rhodesian Ridgeback has a mellow disposition and a genuine fondness for children. She makes for a very loyal member of the family. I saw these qualities in Lola. She was very alert, but very gentle and I could tell that she was very loyal and loved her owner Donna very much, the reverse being true as well. It was a pleasure to paint Lola and I am grateful to learn about this amazing breed.
Thank you for reading this New Pet Portrait Blog post. Feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested, and check back soon for another Post featuring some great looking animals in my Pet Portraits In Charcoal series! Have a great time with your animals! Cy