Pet Portraits In Charcoal “Patrick”

"Patrick" Pet Portraits In Charcoal

Welcome back to my Pet Portraits in Charcoal Blog!  Please read on about Patrick  and other Pet issues…BUT FIRST…if you would like your pet, or a friends pet portrayed in an 11 x 14 in Charcoal Sketch sent to you, and included in one of these blog posts for the world to see… please visit this link and get the Info!

Patrick is considered a mixed Terrier, more about the Terrier breed later, but as far as Patrick goes,  apparently he was a very spunky and mischievous soul, He was owned by Melissa in Littleton Colorado. Melissa’s sister Liz tells me he was quite often getting into little trouble causing adventures around the house including everything from stealing food off your plate, to chewing on your socks and playing with the electrical cords.  A smart little dog however as he would run under the bed when he knew he was in trouble.  Landy, Liz’s dog, was Patrick’s best doggy friend and they would spend much time together having  what I am sure was a lot of fun!  Patrick, unfortunately has passed on, he had some heart problems and died at only two years of age. Even though his life was short, he was greatly loved and spoiled by Melissa and her family and had a wonderful life both getting and giving much love and devotion. His family misses him dearly, and I am honored to be able to help him live on in a small way though my art and this story.

There are traditionally two types of Terriers, short legged and long legged, Terriers were used mainly in The English empire throughout the 18th and 19th century as hunting,  guard and watch dogs. Many breeds originated throughout  the British Isles region including Scotland and Ireland. Terriers are very smart and brave regardless of there sometime smaller size. They will fight a fox or other animal many times bigger than themselves. They were used for everything from hunting, to war service to guarding mines,  farms and livestock.  And as was true with Patrick, they seem to have a playful almost tangible sense of humor, and comical air about them which makes today’s hybrid breeds wonderfully fun and loyal household pets. 

Thank you for reading about Patrick and check back soon for another Cy Hundley Pet Portraits In Charcoal Blog entry!